“Who am I” by Amanda Olive Amoah.

Flash Fiction Ghana

I wake up because the sun is shining on my face; I roll on to my side and peer at the alarm clock. Sigh. It’s two hours till my alarm goes off. There’s no point trying to go back to sleep so I jump out of bed and into the shower. Even though the rays have warmed me up, I turn up the hot water till I think I can smell my flesh cooking. And then I turn it off. I go to the sink to brush my teeth. There’s a note on the mirror: “Walk the dog”

I have a dog?

As if on cue, I hear a loud bark, it sounds like a really big dog. I dress up in skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. I ran my fingers through my damp hair and then stroll out the bedroom. There is a pair of trainers outside the…

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21. Still Discovering.

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